Veröffentlicht am: 27.10.2017

Analyze complex business data via platform service
With the new platform “Plexalytics”, PUMACY brings its big data industry applications to the Internet and enables complex data analysis online.
Berlin, 27.10.2017 –Annoying as damage reports for companies may be, they are the ideal basis in prepared form for taking corrective measures at an early stage and minimizing or even completely avoiding future damage. One of the biggest challenges is to merge the various data sources in real time, to correlate and analyze the large volume of data and to prepare them for future product development.
This is just one of many possible applications for Plexalytics, with which the specialist for “Big Data Analytics” Pumacy Technologies AG is bringing the brand new web platform closer to its customers, who come primarily from the industrial environment. Plexalytics enables the aggregation of structured, semi-structured and completely unstructured data. In doing so, it accesses a powerful index that permanently searches the data of interest. Data is linked and visualized in vivid mashups and dashboards. In addition, alarm functions and reports enable automated data monitoring.
The platform-based approach of Plexalytics gives companies the opportunity to obtain results quickly and cost-effectively, which would otherwise only be achievable with extensive internal investments, usually in the six-digit range. With Plexalytics, hardware can be centrally scaled and distributed. Connectors, for example to public databases, are maintained only once and are allocated via the comparatively low rental fees of the platform. The Plexalytics application “Carwatch” already shows how this can be done in practice: Connectors collect complaint and recall information on automobiles in databases that are available worldwide. The data is combined and can be analysed in depth regionally, chronologically, by vehicle type and even at component level. In addition, customer opinions can be taken from social media, forums and blogs. By means of a comprehensive correlation, in-depth analyses are possible, which not only give car manufacturers, but also system and component suppliers in particular, in-depth insights into their products on the market.
Toralf Kahlert, CEO of Pumacy Technologies AG, sees a great opportunity behind Plexalytics’ approach with considerable market potential: “When it comes to analysing data for companies, a lot of data is already being obtained via the Internet. What is more logical than to organize the collection and analysis of data directly on the network instead of building up your own infrastructure?” At present, Pumacy is developing further applications based on the Plexalytics platform. Particularly in the context of the Internet of Things, new demands are being made on the evaluation of the continuously collected data. In the field of’ smart technologies’, for example in the health care industry or in the implementation of the energy revolution, we are faced with tasks for which established technologies are only partially suitable. Here we will position ourselves early on with suitable analytics applications.”
In the next few months, the Carwatch application will be expanded. Additional customers are to migrate into the platform environment. In addition, numerous additional functions are enabled, such as predictive Weibull distributions, which enable predictive analysis of damage cases.
Pumacy Technologies AG
Pumacy Technologies AG was founded in 2000 as a joint spin-off of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft and the TU Berlin and is entirely privately owned. From the very beginning, customers have been empowered to use their product and process knowledge optimally in the company by means of consulting, data and search applications. Pumacy’s expertise in the development and customization of software solutions is backed by an interdisciplinary team at various locations. The company’s customers include international manufacturers from the aerospace, automotive and pharmaceutical industries as well as mechanical and plant engineering.
Further information about Plexalytics