Further Industries
Each sector poses new challenges – we are here to offer you our experience
Many years of experience with our customers has taught us that each industry requires its own solutions and approaches. We offer customized solutions for every industrial sector, ranging from compact knowledge and innovation management training sessions to competent advice for financed projects of small and medium-sized companies to many years of assistance with major projects.
- Service providers must hold their ground in the market and set themselves apart from the competition with unique features.
- The retail business must follow innovative pathways and respond to customer’s demands.
- Public institutions must be able to optimize their networks even more effectively.
- Start-ups rely on financial support.
What can we do for your industry? We are looking forward to providing you with advice and support and offering you sustainable solutions. Ask us!
Rapid market developments require new solutions
The development of state-of-the-art technologies is the reason why processes in companies and entire sectors are accelerating at lightning speed. More than ever, companies are required to react quickly. The strong competitive pressure, increasing demands from the target group and the desire for innovations that can help secure the existence in the medium term in equal measure dictate the action in the retail business, in artistic professions and the service industry.
More than ever, companies rely on the optimal design of processes. Process optimisation and selective process management help reduce incurring costs. In the aftermath of the most recent economic crisis, many industries and medium sized companies are facing a bleak future. Dwindling demands and at the same time increasing requirements made it all but impossible to adhere to existing structures. Flexibility is as popular as innovative thinking.
Current topics
Innovations in the industries
For many companies, the use of technologies has evolved from optional to compulsory in recent years. This trend is expected to grow, and the need for innovation will likewise continue to rise. The competitive pressure is so strong that companies will almost no longer be able to survive in the market without solid innovations. This applies to the retail business as well as associations. An innovative approach alone will not be sufficient. What is important is the successful implementation and establishment on the market.
In so doing, each sector, be it the retail business, a consulting firm or administrative organisation, will have to address the requirements of the target group. Most recently, it was mainly the retail business that underwent a major change. Faced with a grim future for a long time, it is becoming to look more optimistic and appears to have emerged from the crisis. In recent years, low investment interest and favourable labour market forecasts have encouraged citizens to go on a spending spree. Most Germans like to go shopping again, not only during a specific season, but year-round. Their focus is on furniture and electronics. One of the major current trends within the scope of cocooning consists in smart upgrades of the living quarters. This trend goes hand in hand with the interest in new furniture.
New target groups
However, the target groups that account for the lion‘s share of sales in the retail business have changed. It is no longer predominantly a young clientèle that sets new trends and determines the business. Almost all age groups are reviving the retail trade and increasingly also the online trade. For commercial enterprises, this is associated with entirely new challenges. They are required to adjust their business increasingly to the new clientèle.
Especially in the retail business, medium-sized companies are faced with enormous difficulties. These days, it is extremely difficult for medium-sized establishments to maintain their ground against wholesale companies. Even though the sales figures are promising, a number of challenges in the retail business will determine decisions and substantiate the need for innovations and new ideas for instance with regard to marketing.
Changed market situations pose new challenges
Although sectors are fundamentally different, significant similarities exist between them. Broadly speaking, the market situation has become more difficult in recent years. Growing competition and a speed that makes it difficult for many companies to implement changes successfully are only two of the main challenges.
Know-how and optimal processes are required to pave the way for innovations. More than ever, the involvement of external experts is vital. Complex structures and the demand for ever broader product and marketing ideas for the product development make it difficult to realize innovations with the pool of human resources only. Furthermore, companies in many sectors are battling a shortage of skilled workers, which is expected to worsen in the coming years. The active collaboration between internal and external employees is the key to realising innovations and new approaches in spite of a lack of skilled workers.
For this purpose, clear structures and an optimized scope of duties are required to create transparency. Aside from the need for qualified skilled workers, companies are faced with another problem. The cost pressure has intensified further in recent years. Companies must operate economically to be able to survive in the markets. Rising energy costs, higher employee expenses and other financial burdens make it all but impossible to implement and establish an innovation for a prolonged period of time. A solid PLM helps prevent operating errors and improve the information exchange. As a result, incurring costs can be contained and reduced.
In addition to the high cost pressure, speed and precision are two requirements companies in many industries are confronted with. For some time now, innovation management has involved more than merely ideas. The focus is on their precise implementation. In so doing, any patents need to be reviewed, special features revised and demands of the target group considered within the scope of the PLM.
Globalisation is the third major challenge of many sectors. On the one hand, it facilitates the development of new markets, but on the other hand it makes enormous demands on the companies. Globalisation makes it increasingly difficult to implement innovations at a reasonable pace. Often the pressure from abroad is such that companies fail in the quest for innovation. To prevent this from happening, information between employees needs to be exchanged efficiently.
Customer testimonial from AURISCARE GmbH
Choose the right solution for your business!
Our knowledge management solutions
Knowledge analysis
Structure and use your existing knowledge efficiently!
Knowledge communities
Network and learn from each another!
Knowledge structuring
Organise and secure your knowledge!
Expert database
Keep track of all the experts for your questions!
Lessons learned
Learn from previous experiences!
Knowledge transfer
Retain valuable employee knowledge in your company!
Become a knowledge management expert!
Exchange your ideas with others and strengthen your knowledge management!
Manage, structure and safe your knowledge
KMmaster Life Science Edition
Optimise your SOP and quality management
Exchange your ideas within the team, irrespective of the location and time
Utilise the successful Microsoft solution
Social networking of your workforce with SharePoint
Innovative search and reporting functions for SharePoint
Our process management solutions
Comprehensive process management
Optimise your processes and strengthen your company’s procedures
Product life cycle management (PLM)
Use Enovia V6 to optimise the digital collaboration and secure all product information
Parts management for standard parts and components
Exalead OnePart lets you find any parts with a single click
Enovia V6
To support a global PLM
Exalead OnePart
Simple and efficient parts management
Exalead CloudView
Mastering large data quantities made easy
Our innovation management solutions
Uncover the innovation potentials within your company!
Open Innovation
Sell your ideas and use the ideas of others for your benefit!
Innovation sponsorship
Use innovation vouchers for a 50% sponsorship of your innovation projects!
Innovation training
Let us help you to become an innovation manager!
Benefit from your own innovation community in the Cloud
Harness the innovative capacity within your company