Energy & Environment
Exploiting the benefits of energy transition and securing the future of one’s own company
With its decision to abandon the generation and use of nuclear power, the federal government has laid the groundwork for the continuous further development of renewable energies. Alternative resources are the future of the energy supply in Germany. The constant expansion of renewable energies is vital to reach this unchanging goal. According to information provided by the Federal Office of Environment, the share of renewable energies had already increased considerably in 2012. With respect to the final energy consumption measured in Germany, the share of “green“ energies rose to a total of 12.7 percent. All in all, 318.1 TWh of energy were generated from renewable energies. In light of the growing energy demand, it was possible to maintain the dynamic growth trajectory. The total share is projected to rise to 80 percent by 2050.
At the same time, the main focus must unquestionably be on the supply guarantee. Coal, gas and nuclear power will continue to cover our energy needs for a long time to come. This energy mix, a decentralized energy generation as well as an energy transmission and distribution that are not prepared for it harbour enormous improvement potentials.
In cooperation with our partner Dassault Systèmes, we help and support all energy supply companies working in the alliance with the integration of renewable energies. Smart solutions, which are combined with a transparent handling and offer innovative solutions, help you prepare your company for the future of renewable energies.
New market design model in the energy sector
A new, stable market design model is required to achieve sustainability in the energy sector. On the one hand, it must be implemented with the electricity market in mind, but also with regard to the generation and transport safety. In so doing, one of the main challenges is the ability to plan the power supply from renewable energies.
The permanent and smart communication between energy generators, suppliers, operators and users is required to ensure the latter. It must be mutual and include all parties. In the process, all actors rely on innovative solutions and the use of state-of-the art software. This and the related challenges is where we get involved.
New technologies and staff changes in energy data management
The Renewable Energies Act, EEG, has brought about a rapid expansion of alternative energies in Germany. The associated compensation for electricity fed into the grid has laid the groundwork for the strong growth of corresponding plants. Nevertheless, the current market design is not adequately equipped to handle this. New processes are required to ensure a permanent customer-friendly as well as economic supply. Various parameters as well as data from different sources need to be considered in these processes. This is only possible with the use of modern-day information technologies, which energy providers such as municipal utilities as well as grid and plant operators likewise rely on. In so doing, the relevant factors are the functional range and the performance. One of the core challenges is the optimal incorporation of ultra-modern information technologies into stable processes. If this is successful, the path is paved for maintaining the future competitiveness. Furthermore, the use of state-of-the art energy management likewise ensures an independent method of operation.
Yet, other topics also pose a challenge to the energy sector: A growing number of experienced specialists are set to retire in the near future. The demographic change will confront us with a major knowledge drain which only a few market participants are currently prepared for.
As a consequence, what will be your tasks associated with the sectors energy and environment?
- With regard to marketing and customer care by offering new forms of tariffs
- With regard to the portfolio management for the flexibilization of the burden related to the generation and use
- With regard to the consolidation of the technical and administrative business management for the planning, maintenance and operation of the grid
- With regard to cost optimisation by consolidating several roles and improving the underlying processes
- With regard to the trade with electricity as well as with regard to purchasing, the supply with demand and generation data as well as prices at considerably smaller units of time than common in the past
- And generally with regard to the energy industry as a whole, securing an efficient handling of the corporate knowledge, the improvement of the processes and ultimately the increase in the ability to innovate.

This is precisely the type of environment that is challenging for us as well. A challenge to which we are rising and which we are actively seeking anew each day. Our products and services unfold their effect precisely where the market and companies are subject to major changes. Knowledge management, process management and innovation management – whether combined or individually – are geared directly to these challenges and support you with the required change processes.
Is your company active in the sectors energy and environment and looking for competent assistance? Ask us!
Stay on top of your energy data management
As a service and solution provider for the knowledge, data and information management, we help you with the application and evaluation of large amounts of data. Our technologies are focused on the latest challenges relating to the industry and hence tie in with effective solutions.
Our solutions are capable of
- supporting your decisions to act based on analyses,
- working almost in real-time,
- enhancing the quality of forecasts by incorporating additional sources of information,
- supplying and ensuring optimal data transparency,
- providing powerful visualisation and
- selectively optimising existing software solutions and previous processes.
With regard to the software, we mainly rely on our collaboration with Dassault Systèmes, which provides Pumacy with the powerful software technology Exalead CloudView. It is designed to handle complex and large data sets and reveals its strengths in particular in connection with so-called Search Based Applications (SBA), which can be used to adjust flexible search applications individually on a dashboard. However, we are also thoroughly familiar with other search technologies, such as Vivisimo Velocity or Lucene. The decision about which software will be used is mainly made by you as the customer based on your specific needs. We help you design and implement a suitable solution.
Renewable energies are the supporting pillars of the energy transition and future energy supply. We help you establish efficient and smart grids and implement the necessary upgrade procedures to counterbalance the fluctuating power generation.
Choose the right solution for your business!
Our knowledge management solutions
Knowledge analysis
Structure and use your existing knowledge efficiently!
Knowledge communities
Network and learn from each another!
Knowledge structuring
Organise and secure your knowledge!
Expert database
Keep track of all the experts for your questions!
Lessons learned
Learn from previous experiences!
Knowledge transfer
Retain valuable employee knowledge in your company!
Become a knowledge management expert!
Exchange your ideas with others and strengthen your knowledge management!
Manage, structure and safe your knowledge
KMmaster Life Science Edition
Optimise your SOP and quality management
Exchange your ideas within the team, irrespective of the location and time
Utilise the successful Microsoft solution
Social networking of your workforce with SharePoint
Innovative search and reporting functions for SharePoint
Our process management solutions
Comprehensive process management
Optimise your processes and strengthen your company’s procedures
Product life cycle management (PLM)
Use Enovia V6 to optimise the digital collaboration and secure all product information
Parts management for standard parts and components
Exalead OnePart lets you find any parts with a single click
Enovia V6
To support a global PLM
Exalead OnePart
Simple and efficient parts management
Exalead CloudView
Mastering large data quantities made easy
Our innovation management solutions
Uncover the innovation potentials within your company!
Open Innovation
Sell your ideas and use the ideas of others for your benefit!
Innovation sponsorship
Use innovation vouchers for a 50% sponsorship of your innovation projects!
Innovation training
Let us help you to become an innovation manager!
Benefit from your own innovation community in the Cloud
Harness the innovative capacity within your company